DH Denarnik
Mobilna denarnica
Pojdi na glavno vsebino

Business in 2023

In 2023, Delavska hranilnica operated successfully and securely. In the conditions of the increase in interest rates of the central banks and their impact on global banking markets, we have exceeded the goals set for the year. With a significant increase in net interest, which will begin to moderate, we increased net fees by 3 percent compared to the previous year and generated a gross profit of EUR 44. 3 million.

The balance sheet total increased by EUR 169. 1 million and the loan portfolio by EUR 54. 5 million. At 0.80%, the share of non-performing loans (NPL) of Delavska hranilnica continues to be among the lowest in the banking system. Part of the net profit in 2022 was allocated to the payment of dividends to shareholders, while the remaining part was transferred to statutory reserves to strengthen capital. The capital adequacy ratio thus amounted to 16,66 % at the end of 2023.

In 2023, we devoted most of our activities to the implementation of our sustainable strategy and the green transition, and actively continued the digitalization of our business. In line with sustainable goals, we strive for employee satisfaction and health, we participate in financial literacy of young people and entrepreneurs, and carry out planned humanitarian activities. We are accessible to our customers through an extended business network and advanced digital channels, where we improve the user experience.

Performance indicators

Financial data and ratios (in thousands EUR)

  31.12.2023 31.12.2022 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Total assets 2.157.960 1.988.831 1.996.220 1.840.073
Funding from non-banking clients 2.002.850 1.878.386 1.823.379 1.698.854
Loans to non-banking clients 937.614 883.131 789.737 709.515
Profit before tax (PbT) 44.314 15.422 9.114 6.362
Profit after tax (PaT) 36.113 12.508 7.492 5.237
Return on equity before tax (ROE bT) 42,22 18,01 11,18 8,59
Interest margin 3,10 1,32 0,99 1,13
Share of non-performing gross loans 0,80 0,89 0,98 1,36

Data and ratios for capital (in thousands EUR)

  31.12.2023 31.12.2022 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Equity 126.712 92.283 81.502 80.318
Regulatory capital 104.199 92.085 83.880 79.221
Capital adequacy ratio (CAR) 16,66 16,62 16,34 16,82

Other statistical data

  31.12.2023 31.12.2022 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Number of employees (headcount) 352 346 344 332
Number of shareholders 479 484 485 508
Number of shares 575.981 575.981 525.981 525.981